Tag Archives: pants
Eureka! Pants That Fit…I Made them!
“Sewing pants is easy…” “…However, developing pants with a flattering and comfortable fit has challenged women for as long as women have been wearing pants…” SarahVeblen, fit expert and designer. This is the re-cap of my year-long quest for perfectly fitting pants. It all depends on getting a properly fitted crotch curve that allows your…
A Vogue Blouse That I Love So Much, I Made TWO!
In my last post, I talked about being out of summer clothes, and feeling desperate for some new togs!Well I made three new blouses, a small start to a summer wardrobe. I saw this Vogue pattern reviewed three times on Pattern Review. One reviewer had made it out of home dec fabric lenghtened it and left…
Susan Sews a Mini-Wardrobe for a Pattern Review Contest
These are the 6 pieces I am making for the contest The challenge is to create a mini wardrobe or collection using a key piece which can be purchased or already sewn. The other pieces must form at least 6 outfits. The contest starts today. So today I will draft the patterns, and start cutting…