Tag Archives: sewing room

Grrrr, Wild Animal in a Blouse in La Paz

Its mid May 2014. I am on a mission:  To create a comfortable, stylish and functional summer wardrobe that will serve for business and casual wear. Yesterday I competed blouse number five in my bevy of blouses. This is  another version of the Lekala princess seamed button up blouse pattern number 5114. This is a…

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Woman Shamefully Neglects and Abuses Important Sewing Tool for 13 Years!

Do you remember that wonderful,quirky PBS series connections? You know the one where a fly  bites a donkey’s bum and the abacus gets invented? We ll here’s my connection:  After my Christmas visit to Dallas, I came home with all of the sewing supplies I needed.  I cleaned and organized my sewing room: and here…

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