Embellish Some Flip-Flops and Have Happy Summer Diva Feet

Don’t you just love all of the whimsical flip-flops in the stores?
 Don’t you just hate the exorbitant prices?
Would you believe I embellished these two darling paris of flip-flops for less than  TEN Dollars…for the TWO pair!
I cannot believe how easy  this was.
 And so much fun!
 Here is a video showing you step by step.


  • Teresa Jane

    Reply Reply July 5, 2010

    Great Job! It makes me want to paint my toenails and go make a pair.

  • Susan Kay

    Reply Reply July 5, 2010

    Nice project and video came out great. The beaded flips caught my eye. Did you glue the beads on as well?

  • Susan Fogel

    Reply Reply July 5, 2010

    I glued the beads on as well. But I am thinking of tying them on with some fish line for security.
    They are fun!

  • gwensews

    Reply Reply July 5, 2010

    How cute! Jewelry for your feet!

  • Anonymous

    Reply Reply July 5, 2010

    I feel cooler just looking at them, Susan!


  • Anonymous

    Reply Reply July 5, 2010

    Great video. Explained it perfectly. I think I'll try this with my youngest granddaughter. She will love them!

  • Susan Fogel

    Reply Reply July 5, 2010

    I can't stop myself! I want to make more!!
    I have two more pair of flip-flops!
    Have fun!

  • Miranda

    Reply Reply July 7, 2010

    These are sooo cute! I have another project to add to my list…=)

  • So cute, Susan! Good job. Great job on the video too.

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