Tag Archives: pattern review

A Vogue Blouse That I Love So Much, I Made TWO!

In my last post, I talked about being out of summer clothes, and feeling desperate for some new togs!Well I made three new blouses, a small start to a summer wardrobe. I saw this Vogue pattern reviewed three times on Pattern Review. One reviewer had made it out of home dec fabric lenghtened it and left…

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Summertime and I Have No Clothes to Wear!

It’s that time of year when the temperatures start to rise, and our clothing get’s more minimal, lighter, and brighter.And I go crazy if I don’t jump in the pool several times a day. I have been on a quest for a good basic blouse to make in several colors to wear with shorts and capris. I…

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The Black Dress that Became a Red Top

 In honor of recenlty past Valentines Day, I am finally reviewing my Lutterloh, red faux wrap top. I will write a review on Pattern Review as well. Yesterday, my Beloved came back from walking the dogs and found a lovley box wrapped in hearts and ribbons inside our gate. He brought it in and told me…

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The Little White Dress Goes to the Beach!

Notice how beautifully the bodice fits, and how trim I look, this is the real me! I have worked hard to get to this point. White is the presence of  all color. I love white, and I love color.When I wear white I feel peacefully alert. White clothing  is luxurious because it needs more care. White…

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The Lekala Top and the Bombastic Boobs!

This blog post is my review of the Lekala Ruched top.  I was going to send this farther away then just to my Oh Shit drawer. I sent some photos to my good sewing friend on Pattern Review. I told her the fate of the top was in her hands. if she thought I looked…

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Cherries on Top! My Lutterloh Collection

Here is my composite picture of the four garments yielding four looks.  Yes, I know it is almost the end of October. It is still warm, and I can flop around in the poolwithout  heading towards hypothermia. I am catching everyone up on my sewing efforts for the last two months. The Pattern Review Mini…

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Polka Dots and Linen a Lutterloh Dress for Summer Hell

My Beloved says that there are FIVE seasons here in Southern Baja. There are Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer and Summer Hell.What is Summer Hell? That is the time in late August to early October when we are in the middle of hurricane season. But it is not the hurricanes that are his own private hell.…

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Tropical Earrings Inspired these Pants and Sandals Part 1

Part 1 of the Pineapple Express  Pants It all started a few years back when Miss Melysse, my  beautiful, daughter asked what I wanted for Christmas.  “ Mom, what  would you like for Christmas?” she asked.  “ Tropical earrings.”  said I.  “ Like  what, big bananas, crystal palm trees, shells, what?”  “Bright citrusy colors, not…

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Woman Shamefully Neglects and Abuses Important Sewing Tool for 13 Years!

Do you remember that wonderful,quirky PBS series connections? You know the one where a fly  bites a donkey’s bum and the abacus gets invented? We ll here’s my connection:  After my Christmas visit to Dallas, I came home with all of the sewing supplies I needed.  I cleaned and organized my sewing room: and here…

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Susan Connects the Dots and makes Well- Fitting Clothes

Jacket and shorts It is really that easy! Using the Lutterloh pattern making system is literally connecting the dots. Here is an outfit I completed last week: Me in the jacket and shorts   Instead of trying to  adjust a Vogue, McCall’s, Butterick or Simplicity(the Big Four) pattern to fit your body. Lutterloh patterns are…

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